国医堂产后护理中心是国医堂旗下的月子中心。国医堂成立于2014年,总部位于新山,武吉英达。目前拥有三间分行及一间燕窝加工厂。国医堂拥有近50人的团队,专业医疗团队包括中医师、药剂师、专业推拿师等,累计门诊拜访量已超过10万人次,治疗不孕不育成功案列超过100多例。 2021年国医堂与BCB集团建设的ELYSIA成立产后护理中心,竭诚为妈妈们提供一个专业、温馨的一站式产后调理服务,是宝妈们首选的月子中心。
Guoyi Tang begins in Johor, since 2014. We are establishing a professional medical confinement care center that combines a nutritious diet and traditional chinese medicine for these young mothers. In 2021, Guoyi Tang Confinement Center co-operate with BCB group ( The Elysia Park Residence) offers professional one-stop service, heart-warming for postpartum mothers.